Game localization studio

language pairs
native speaker translators
completed cases
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Localization is the best way to market a game. We will provide you with top-grade translation and help your product expand into new markets.
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We will check and test the localized product and remedy the deficiencies so the users could enjoy the flawless gameplay.
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Selecting a voiceover artist, we keep in mind their age, gender, and timber, as well as their ability to translate the character's nature and background.
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Our Strengths
years of experience
translators, editors, and testers on the team
State of the art technology
We employ CAT tools that integrate translation automation and project management resources
Top grade service
Personal manager, quality assurance, 24/7 support
For 5 years of operation, we have localized over 50 projects. Here are some of them.
1 / 10
Force of Warships
Localization for 9 languages
2 / 10
Localization for 1 languages
3 / 10
Call of Sentinels
Localization for 4 languages
4 / 10
Hand In Hand
Localization for 6 languages
5 / 10
Hellrider 2
Localization for 4 languages
6 / 10
Localization for 3 languages
7 / 10
Human Evolution
Localization for 2 languages
8 / 10
Strategy & Tactics 2
Localization for 4 languages
9 / 10
Titanium Hound
Localization for 4 languages
10 / 10
Torn Away
Localization for 3 languages
Force of Warships
Call of Sentinels
Hand In Hand
Hellrider 2
Human Evolution
Strategy & Tactics 2
Titanium Hound
Torn Away
A17 Games
GDT, Game Development
Extreme Developers
Anji Games
Khan games
How much does game localization cost?

The service price depends on how much we have to localize.

We only count new words and don't include repetitions, markup elements, or keys.

We also accumulate the translation memory that helps curb the localization costs by 50%.

The localization cost also depends on the language. Our translators live in different points of the world—and this is what shapes the market value of a language pair.

If you want the precise, detailed calculation of your localization project, send us the SOW.

Based on that document, we will prepare an estimate that will regard all the specifics of your project.

Personal account

The personal account is a place where you can manage the processes and track every step of cooperating with us. Here, you can upload your projects, get a precise estimate of every task, and hammer out the details online.

You can also comment on all project stages, track the task progress, and upload translations on your own. Our platform offers an intuitive interface that will help you focus on completing your projects.

Order a free demonstration.


For our clients, we compile and manage the termbase with use cases and translations of the terms that can be found in specific texts we work on.

The glossary can highly facilitate our translators' work and switch specialists on the go eventually improving the quality of translation and ensuring the term unification across the text.

We can import your glossary or create a unique one for your project.

Continuous localization

We offer continuous localization of updates to make sure your game is fully translated at the moment of release.

For that, we employ our online platform. A developer only needs to add a new line to the game resources.

After that, the updated file is via API or a utility automatically forwarded to our platform, where the translator sees the new text and translates it.

The updated text is automatically parsed from the platform.

This is how we ensure complete localization of the product supporting all the updates in continuous mode.

Translation memory

The translation memory is our internal database where we store original texts and their translations.

It helps automatically translate repeating text segments, certain sentences, words, and phrases.

The translation memory facilitates translators' work and enables easy specialist switch during a project.

It can also curb translation costs by 50%. This may be especially relevant if your product is released both on iOS and Android and some strings repeat for these two platforms, our translation memory will handle them automatically so you don't have to pay twice.